/Written by Ali Sina
Ali Sina is the Founder and CEO of STEALTH, CEO of Forkaia® and Insolar and Creative Director at BAM, Protagonist Art and Hard Shiver. Ali is also the Head of Production at Olly Olly Oxen Free , C3POE and NEON WHITE author of Startup X, Break the Simulation, BC-234 and BAM: Business Athlete Mode™️.
We’re not creating anything anymore. Except for new parallel worlds (Metaverse) to keep our economy afloat. The current innovation model sucks: Startups innovate something then go public and that’s it! They spend the rest of the time keeping the investors and board happy and maybe they’ll add a feature here and there. It’s actually pretty sad when you think of all the talent and resources available to these multi conglomerates like Google, Amazon, Meta, and Apple yet there’s zero imagination coming from them. I got more ideas in a week than the entire apple event!
At Forkaia®, we see the world as full of possibilities but the human race is in a pivotal fork in the proverbial road; we can either sink with ignorance, hate and stupidity or rise to a higher level of consciousness with common sense, foresight, love and empathy.
I feel like we have an opportunity to redefine the design of life, give it a much needed upgrade through open-sourced knowledge and technology. As humans we've done a lot to advance but it’s come at a price. When faced with problems or opportunities we've for the most part done the best with what we have but we've also compromised and cut corners which though has resulted in solutions that are acceptable, has not provided the best solutions for the human race and life on our planet. Humans are intrinsically heuristic which in Computer Science means taking a practical approach to problem solving, learning or discovery, not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, logical, or rational, but instead sufficient for reaching an immediate goal. But we now have the tools to look beyond immediacy.
People hate changes but if change is for the good of our planet and all the things it gives life to then we will exploit those changes, in how we live, how we learn and work, change in business, in media, in everyday life and use these changes for positive purposes.
Change has never been more necessary. A lot of things today are no longer sustainable. Population keeps increasing, resources are decreasing, our compounded energy usage is out of control. The inequality and wealth gap is widening more, life expectancy is trending down, job security is a joke and everyday it seems like someone somewhere fuses out and carries out a horrendous attack. Too many people are sad, depressed, suicidal, addicted and overdosing. Big Pharma isn’t helping. Leaders spew hate and lead like children. Knowledge should be open-source but NO ONE is being transparent. Climate change’s changed into climate catastrophe. We’re polluting the planet but can’t stop making stuff. Species are going extinct at record numbers with humans at the helm, humans, who are the only species capable of saving other ones. We’re animals pretending to be robots on our phones.
We need change but keep thinking more of the same.
The future looks scary - I’m not going to lie but I wrote this piece not to scare you but because I believe that the youth is our future and they’ll ultimately fix everything. My generation is just standing in the way because of either self interest, fear or some other form of resistance. Though the passing of the guards is inevitable; it really couldn’t happen fast enough. The health of our planet and the people living on it depends on it.
In the tapestry of history, societal conflicts have often been painted in stark contrasts: black versus white, left versus right, east versus west, rich versus poor. These binary struggles, rooted in the past, have shaped much of our collective narrative. Yet, as we navigate the complexities of the modern world, a new paradigm emerges, one that transcends these traditional dichotomies. It is no longer just about color or ideology; it's a profound shift from old to young. Today's youth, armed with new data, fresh perspectives and unburdened by the biases of yesteryears, stand at the forefront of change. They are the architects of tomorrow, poised to see through the fog of outdated conflicts and sculpt a future where solutions and unity can finally flourish.
In this pivotal transition from old to young, the new generation stands out for its dedication to transparency and fairness, embracing truth as the foundation for reshaping a more equitable and authentic future.
Changing the future is in your hands but you have to preserve your originality; it’s a race to get to your mind before you become jaded, extracted or (subliminally) brainwashed by society. You have to disregard the status quo and think completely differently. That means having the courage to go against the grain, be willing to fall behind your peers, fail, even be ridiculed.
Your whole life you’re supposed to get good grades to get into a good college and upon high school graduation at age 18, you’re supposed to know what you want to do for your career. The period from 18 to your late 20’s is the fastest time of personality change in your entire life. If you are being forced to pick, then, what you are going to do for rest of your life, you’re trying to make a choice for someone you don’t even know yet, much less in a world that you can’t even conceive. What do you want to be when you grow up? I always hated that question. I just want to be me I’d always think to myself; my career doesn’t define who I am and having to pick at the age of 18, the one thing I’ll be doing for the rest of my life seemed to me, at that time at least, either awful or awfully premature. Especially with zero relevant work experience.
The “Picture yourself in 20 years” career counselor advice thing doesn’t work anymore. Twenty years is an eternity now. All the tools that I’m using today didn’t exist 10 years ago so what are they teaching in schools? More than half the students graduating college are underemployed with a trillion dollars in student loan debt. The other half want to be entrepreneurs or start their business but can't get a $15,000 business loan though at 18, you can qualify for $150,000 in student loans no problem. It doesn’t make any sense.
The education system fails the modern American student because the economy schools prepare you for doesn’t exist anymore.
What universities teach students is medieval. the way they teach, what they teach, the cost, the rewards, etc, etc, it’s all broken. But you need a college degree to join the workforce because you won’t be able to live on the jobs that don’t require one. Crazy things is, Entry level jobs largely pay the same as they did 30 years ago But college is exponentially more expensive today. So basically you have to go to college, have to rack up debt to do so, and aren’t being paid any better than the generations before them when you get a job. That’s leaving the new generation with no discretionary income, no savings, no retirement account, no house, no family, no tangible assets. Sure there are exceptions to this but the average person enters the workforce making $45K a year with about $35K in student loan debt. For those who can make significant contributions to their retirement accounts, they probably won’t own any property until they’re nearing retirement age unless they make well over 6 figures. For those who buy houses, they won’t be able to save enough to retire comfortably unless they make well over 6 figures. It’s a broken system.
You should be trying a bunch of different things to see what resonates within you and be willing to fail but the fear of falling behind your peers and the need to jump ahead to make good wages really stops people from doing this. If you look at these athletes who go on to become elite, they spend a huge amount of time in unstructured play early on, multiple sports, multiple interests. It takes time and a lot of sampling to know who you are. Your career is a lot like dating in that sense, you should have a few different flings before settling down on one. Planning is cool but you will be more successful if you start doing. It’s difficult to start, but get out there and start writing, designing, developing software, making movies or whatever it is that you want to do. All the research shows that the only way you learn who you are is by doing stuff.
Unlocking your potential is worth at least a few million dollars and college doesn’t do that for you.
We need to give students real life experiences, not just two dimensional lectures. We need an entirely new breed of classes that teach us how to learn a domain quickly, maximize the use of the latest technology available, human efficiency classes. Meditation classes, Visualization classes, Time management skills, skills that teach you how to use more of your brain, we need to unlearn unconscious and cognitive biases but college doesn’t teach you any of this.
We teach the future. Why are we successful at Forkaia®? Because 43% of recent college grads are underemployed and half want to work in startups or do their own business so we gave them both.
Try to Zen out as often as you can; it’s really good for you. Zen meditation isn’t about achieving something – not even happiness. Rather, it’s simply bringing awareness to your breath and gradually learning to be fully present for every daily activity without any distractions.
The Zen practice of breathing makes us aware of our true nature while dissolving time and space.
In life as well as meditation, it’s better to observe than to control.
Practice contentment and generosity, and reduce ego-related desires. Rather than striving to be full and forceful, be an empty vessel and be like water. Be flexible, bend like the trees in the storm and rethink your ideas about strength. Live without force, and without the violence and weapons that lead to war.
Empty your Mind
Humans have developed a kind of generalized anxiety. It was as if the thousands of years of feeling fear in the face of nature could not go away— we had to find something at which to direct our anxiety, no matter how small or improbable. An irrational, mysterious fear of something though nobody really knows what they’re afraid of. The Three cousins are Doubt, Fear and Death.
Fear Nothing
Doubt is removed by action, by working you can get closer to your answer. But you have to work for it - DO NOT be taken in by the culture of ease.
Self-help books and “experts” will try to convince you that you can have what you want by following a few simple steps. Spoiler alert: THERE ARE NO SIMPLE STEPS. Things that come fast and easy will leave you just as fast. Instead you should rely on your senses and try slowing things down. Slow your breathing and come back inside your body. Be present, empty and open; the things we like end up choosing us if you allow them. Practice mindfulness; Have compassion and understanding and stay awake. Your senses are your WiFi connection to the world - learn how to think by clearing out your mind and you'll be able to handle any topic. You have an opportunity to fix what we got wrong on our first go at this and rebuild what it means to be human. Disclaimer: People in power have nothing to gain from change so you have to fight for it. It’s not easy, they fight back hard because they always feel like someone’s trying to steal their crown but fighting for what you believe in is always worth it; it may even help answer some of your internal big questions. Like who am I? What do I want?
I try to listen to my subconscious and let it guide me, even letting it make decisions for me that could go against conventional thought or wisdom. It took a long time to trust that feeling - the energy around me. I’ve dissected myself metaphysically. I had to deconstruct entirely - my mind, body, psyche, my spirit - to gain a heightened awareness. Now I know who I am and I know what I want. I’m God’s child and I’m connected and aligned with the source to all that is and all that is possible. My perception filter is calibrated, fine tuned and on point. My BS meter is at an all time high and I’M HERE TO F#CK SH*T UP!
It took a really long time but now I can discard SPAM ENERGY at will and stay open up to new experiences. I’m inspired by creative imagination and the visions and ideas that flash into my mind; I’m the compounded inspiration of many people that have come before me. I imagine the world is still full of mystery and try to learn something new every day. And I know what I want. What I want is to fulfill the promise of what the creator dreamt of when he made me; I want to live a universal life. I want to plug into universal consciousness so I can live the highest expression of my truest self as a human being. Philosophically, I’m constantly trying to find the sacred place within me where I might unlock the creative power of my deeper unconscious self. The journey to get there is my life’s great purpose. And I think AI will help.
Here’s more bad news: The system is not built for you to succeed - you literally have to break through it.
We’re living in a modern day class system: A BILLION PEOPLE CONTROLLED BY 50.
We took the wrong pill - this whole system is fucked up! Why are we working like slaves to make ends meet? Life’s going to pass by and we literally spent it inside of a box, a cubicle, a room, a building, a ‘career’.
This is all a set up. We’re all slaves, programmed into society from birth. Carefully shaped into a robot by the institutions and institutionalized people around you. You start school at age six where you’re put in constant competition with other kids so you can go to a good college and BAM at eighteen you’re put me in thousands of dollars in debt to make a fraction of what you’ll make. It’s a con.
Society is Designed to keep you sick, controlled. Humans are brainwashed, programmed to fear through a kind of collective hypnosis; group mind. The game is to keep you engaged so you’re not bored. Consumerism and Materialism are effective weapons. Shopping is another form of Narcissism. Everyday there’s a gimmick: Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day. Holidays, traditions, The NBA, NFL, UFC, Wrestling, The Oscars, The Voice, American Idol; all stuff created so they can keep you entertained and distracted. Meanwhile; tick tock, tick tock. Life’s just ticking away while you’re vested in a bunch of trivial shit.
Ultimately the secret to a career is to figure out how to get paid for doing something you love. That way, you can keep playing the game without driving yourself absolutely crazy.
How do you find out what you love? And how can you get paid for it? You can’t do that if you're institutionalized and stuck in the system because you can’t take the time off to experiment. You have to go SOLO BUDDHA.
You need to unplug and go into the forest by yourself to achieve enlightenment; you’re not going to get there by being around other humans. Empty your mind, reset and hack yourself to unlock your full potential so you can deconstruct and decodify shit.
It took a really long time but now I can discard SPAM ENERGY at will and stay open up to new experiences. I’m inspired by creative imagination and the visions and ideas that flash into my mind; I’m the compounded inspiration of many people that have come before me. I imagine the world is still full of mystery and try to learn something new every day. And I know what I want. What I want is to fulfill the promise of what the creator dreamt of when he made me; I want to live a universal life. “I want to plug into universal consciousness so I can live the highest expression of my truest self as a human being,” Oprah Winfrey. Philosophically, I’m constantly trying to find the sacred place within me where I might unlock the creative power of my deeper unconscious self. The journey to get there is my life’s great purpose. And I think AI will help.
Ultimately, what we care about most is building an AI that can outperform humans at the most economically valuable work so we (humans) can free up our time to focus on new ways of finally moving the human race forward. That’s what we’re doing with Fascia. We see developing commercial products as one of the ways to make sure we have enough funding to succeed; commercializing Idea Lab technologies through STEALTH helps us pay for our ongoing AI research.
We’re using the data we have to stemcell a unicorn - a billion dollar startup. We’re making the next facebook or Dropbox in a lab, using algorithms to manufacture the next Twitter team or PayPal Mafia. We’re not building just one business, we’re starting off with 100. That’s partially the idea behind the name of our startup Forkaia®. ‘Fork’ means a process that creates a copy of itself which is precisely what we’re doing with our Idea Lab using AI at scale. Our platform allows ideas to fork off and multiply. What we’re doing in the Idea Lab will result in tools and services that are hard to imagine today.
We’ve created Forkaia®, an Academy and Combine Program to prepare people for the changes in the coming years.
We're moving into a full online world. Traditional business models will cease to exist in the coming years - we'll transact amongst each-other directly using apps, allowing us to undertake work and get done what needs to get done and exchanging coins via text.
Welcome to the Platform Era.
Intelligent software and dashboards will keep track of progress in a way that hundreds of employees used to. Picture grocery store self-checkout counters for every business; supervisor per ten machines. Old-school businesses that people worked in for 20 years, where they hoped to get a raise, and hoped that the company was going to be around forever - those days are gone. I believe in new, flat corporate structures with zero power distance and no code software. I believe in People analytics, e-commerce and entrepreneurship. Everyone has a side hustle - everyone I know is a micro entrepreneur. And if they’re not, AI driven algorithms will help people find what they’re best at doing, so they don’t have to go through a lifelong search, wasting valuable time for meaning. I believe in freelancing ecosystems where work gets done and credit gets shared through a combination of pay and equity arrangements. That’s exactly what Forkaia’s ‘side hustle’ app is appealing to; everyone has the power to become their own independent economic entity.
Artificial Intelligence will free up time for people to do the things they love and enable them to make money at the same time. The gig and shareable economy is a huge indicator of the future of work. Our concept of work will go through a transformation like we have never experienced in our history thanks in large part to technology and the advent of artificial intelligence as the new human frontier. AI will change the future of work forever beyond robotics, automation and segmentation; I see the old ways crumbling.
New work paradigms are already here. Work and life is mixed 24-7 all the time. There are going to be no more physical offices. No more employees. No more 9-5. Work has no time or place. What’s an office anyway? The closest WiFi connection is the new office. Future generations won't believe we commuted 2 hours a day, to work for 8 hours in a fixed location, to use tech designed to be used anywhere on the planet.
The gig economy will continue to grow (60% of Americans will be side hustling something by 2025) and companies will adapt to a contingent workforce, contract out the work they need to “expert gigsters” who can do it faster for cheaper. We’ll see a lot more collaboration and an expansion of the shareable economy in the coming years.
Corporations should be implementing new hiring, training and education models. More than half the students graduating college are underemployed. 90% stay underemployed for the next 10 years of their career so the old way isn’t working anymore. Hiring managers should ditch the resume and let their new hires stand in front of a whiteboard instead of fixed blueprints. Give me young, smart and hungry people. We never get seduced by a glittering résumé. What you know is not as important as how your brain is wired for thought, how your brain is wired to ask questions, etc. Expertise will be less relevant - give employees challenging and engaging work and the tools to succeed and win. A transformation of expectations will be the ultimate baton handoff and the future looks bright. GEN Z is going to raise the bar about how technology will be used - but the big difference is they will expect technology to do its thing as opposed to being wow’d by it like generations past.
The world is changing, everything that happened to music and newspapers is going to happen to everything else. Tech goes from selling services to companies to replacing those companies. If it’s too expensive, takes too long or involves too many people then it’s going to get disrupted. With change comes a lot of opportunity
Here’s a quick example:
MrBeast Squid Games video: 103M views in 4 days. It took 7 weeks to make.
Netflix’s Squid Games series: 111M views in 30 days. It took 10 years (!!) to make.
More views, less time, fewer gatekeepers. That’s the promise of the creator economy.
Here’s another: An un known artist sold a 1/1 NFT of his song for .45 ETH (1734.30 USD) which is equal to 2.5 million streams on a major label.
In this open and decentralized version of the Internet users control the networks and money. That’s the promise of Web3.
We are moving into a world where starting your own business is getting easier, and fewer people want the traditional career path. We’re also moving into brand new worlds entirely - the Metaverse. Creatives will hold the key to the universe - everything else will be automated.
Just like an artist needs a brush - you need tools. Your phone can be a total destruction for your mind with triviality or it could be a tool.
We’re in the middle of a full blown Visual Revolution. Texting and Emojis are taking us back to the time of hieroglyphics and symbols.
There are new units of measurements, new value placed on the life experience and fun and less on ownership. Transportation solutions will create further disruption, dramatically redrawing the urban landscape of our cities.
Cycles in all forms, even in a business’ shelf life, are occurring faster and faster. They’re condensed versions of what we’ve seen before but happening sooner, quicker, with more frequency. The next Mark New Zuckerberg will skip out of High School (instead of college) to build his or her idea. The new hot AI-Startup will raise $1 billion in just 24 hours. Investors want 2 year exits, etc, etc... Social Media and accessibility will give rise to more and more copycat businesses.
Competition will be fierce and the winners will undoubtedly be the influencers, people and organizations with leveraged platforms. Followers are just a new form of an asset class; intellectual property, shared assets, networks, alliances and data will become more and more prevalent asset classes.
AI isn’t intended to be transformative in the sense that 50% of the population will lose their jobs (though it’s very possible). It’s intended to be transformative in that it gives every person the power to access the full capabilities of their brains and their passions. If an Uber driver can earn themselves money when they’re in the mood to drive, then data scientists and software engineers, no matter where they are in the world, should be able to do the same. Work anytime from anywhere on whatever you like.
The Global AI ecosystem of the future will be a very wide network. It will be open source with shared tools and knowledge. The future of AI doesn’t isolate people; it integrates them.
Thousands of programmers, designers and data scientists have bought into our ecosystem because they understand that no one person can do these things themselves. The same is true for all types of artists. We see a perfectly even playing field emerging that makes all of us equal as creative agents. With the tools we have available, any kid with an imagination should be able to win an Oscar. That’s our idea behind the Creative Lab Incubator; a virtual movie studio.
Up until now, geography has had a big influence on a civilization but its influence is declining which each year technology advances. It won’t matter where you live; connections will be made. Work will be undertaken across the globe. The world is going to get even closer. People will work from their phones, using hyperloops to get to places with incredible speed no matter where they live. We’ll have to relearn teamwork in a different way, how to be social with people we’ve never met, how to connect, inspire, lead and empathize. All ideas behind Forkaia® Academy.
The things we treasure are going to be based around The Human Experience. A piece of technology, for everything from cars to food, will be switched on - let me enjoy this experience - and switched off again; ownership is not required.
In an AI-driven world, humanity becomes more important, not less, and it sure is going to be fun.
At STEALTH, we can take any concept and move from idea to commercialized product incredibly quickly using data science and ai. But our Secret Weapon is Diversity.
Diverse teams solve problems and innovate faster, better.
The vantage point we get from a Collective Intelligence model is truly invaluable because of the vastness of talent in our ecosystem and the hyper-diverse nature in which they’re meticulously assembled. We take teambuilding to a whole nother level and are very proud of the fact that Women make up 50% of our tech teams.
We also share equity and believe in the YOU Economy. We believe in YOU- we are not somehow delusional to the fact that you are more important than your employer and we couldn’t agree more; we don’t think you should be a part of our company, we think we should be a part of you - the entity. So we buy into your mission with you and encourage you to do what you love when you work with us.
There’s a lot more than revenue that determines our company’s success. New ideas, mindshare, creativity and the final product are all valued greater than revenue. We’re building the next generation of companies with agnostic experimentation and brand new viewpoints. Removing Time and Competition gives us more latitude to care about our employees, products and overall impact.
STEALTH’s mission is to build a purpose driven community of like-minded people in search of secrets and solutions that can propel humanity forward. We’re looking for Breakthroughs.
It’s such a miracle that we’re alive and sharing this small speck of time together - living on this planet all of us at the same time - there’s no point competing and keeping secrets for personal gain like my father's generation did. Plotting and strategizing and beating our competitors; It's so backwards. Competition may bring out the best in Sports but it brings out the worst in business. Stop strategizing, stop chasing money - Money is a by-product of doing a great job, it’s the reward for your work.
At our companies, we omit time or money as a value into our equation, if we didn’t we’d have to sacrifice quality or execute flawlessly and no one is perfect so instead we only concern ourselves with putting the best products in people’s hands. Time is a virtue for creativity, that’s why we have no deadlines at STEALTH. We’d rather not put something out than push out the wrong product. Thus every product we build sits at the intersection of quality, price and technology because it’s made by people who actually want to make it. Segmentation creates value on both sides: customers love it and builders love building it.
The Result: Products that Invigorate, Empower and Augment the human experience.
Our lab’s transparent model is deliberately designed to inspire teams to create something beyond the sum of its parts. Power of innovation comes not from technology, but a network. A network of humans. And intelligence and consciousness comes from humans who think together. Purpose of our digital ecosystem is to speed up intelligence, consciousness and communication so we can get to new ideas, new technologies and new opportunities quicker. Making it open-source with hyper-diverse teams turbocharges progress which gives us ample time to nurture every startup until they’re fully scaled, stable, healthy and groundbreaking before we go to market.
Our Brand is transparent, simple, smart, direct and to the point. We put the customer in the middle of our universe and are 100% transparent and authentic in how we do business.
And we do the same exact thing with our teams.
We encourage our teams to let go of outcomes and just explore their creativity. We give everybody, not just the creatives, the tools that allow them to tinker with ideas and explore and experiment. We believe in trial and error innovation, accidental discovery and Citizen Scientists.
We’ve built an environment that fosters inclusion and encourages you to be yourself. We care about who you are as a person and the impact you make. We encourage you to let go of the outcome and just explore your creativity. We cultivate performance and leadership through empowering other team members, diversity of thought, and a commitment to an inclusive culture that values hard work, focus and discipline. We hire smart, positive-minded people who share our values and are open to learning then AMP ‘em up by giving them full Autonomy to Master their craft and a sense of Purpose.
Then we go BAM and outwork everybody. You can get better at Business with more training, It’s like Athletics in that sense; We embrace this Business Athleticism philosophy and teach the BAM Principles.
Our team is passionate about solving problems and finding secrets. Exploring and experimenting is at the core of STEALTH’s existence. Start-up is the new business model, you incubate 100 startups and hope one company will pay all the bills and maybe one will be a unicorn. But an AI-Focused incubator will defy those odds and in a software-eats-the-world reality, STEALTH is positioned to be Godzilla; an everything-as-a-service infrastructure built on an agile, lean, customer-driven business design with artificial intelligence at our core. We embrace a new, flat corporate structure with a contingent, liquid workforce - our team is composed of over 5000 programmers, PMs, data scientists, software engineers and counting.
At STEALTH we work on our own time and only work on projects that interest us. When we hire, we look for maximum match-quality: the term that economists use for the degree of fit between their interests and ability and the work they do. Candidates must be a good fit and aligned with our values. We hire people who believe in what we believe in; we look for people from the same tribe. Being the right fit is super-important to us, we want to onboard superhero founders - we want you to assume your superhero role at STEALTH; be the ultimate version of yourself. We want people who are not afraid to try things they’ve never done before. And we’re building the tools to help you get there.
We have multiple platforms that allow our talent to be heard. Listening and earning our people’s trust has been one of our biggest assets as a young company. That’s the genius of what we’ve done. We’ve created a platform for the artists. They don’t have to be superstar athletes in the NBA but that’s how we look at all of our Data Scientists and Engineers. We’re trying to find the true believers but we collaborate and co-create with everybody…even our competition. And we believe in sharing. We give equity to our employees on projects they work on via Round Z Ventures.
We attract the best talent by giving them ownership of the projects they work on. So working at STEALTH is exactly like working at a startup, combining the best of freelancing independence and flexibility with the best of full-time employment’s potential upside through equity compensation.
Our profit sharing platform is forging new, non-linear sales and supply relationships and has for the most part convinced the best PMs, coders and data scientists to ditch the 9 to 5 and gig with STEALTH. Now we have the talent our clients could never afford on their own. And we're using all that talent to build internally. 150 Startups and counting.
Market leading prices, low-hassle solutions, an easy adoption model, profit sharing, AI, ip, shared assets, networks, alliances and data are some of STEALTH’s greatest assets but they all pale in comparison to the talented people we work with every day.
Our motto is ‘be inspired by any means necessary.’ We believe in good energy but we’re adaptable and know that obstacles, hindrances, and negative energy is still a form of energy that can be turned around and used to our advantage…it gives us something to react and push against…it’s just an alternative energy source. We use it to fuel our motivation.
There’s no perfect formula for success but my advice above everything else is: you should follow your heart.
Choose love over a desk.
Follow your passion. Make sure you’re passionate about what you start because there will inevitably be challenging times ahead making it much easier to quit if it were not for a burning desire to see your vision through. Business is a performance sport; you have to build your endurance. Passion will help you finish, energy will help you win. Have focus and intention behind every action. Make your enterprise a reflection of your individuality - stamp your personality, your uniqueness in your business - it’s a great point of differentiation. In an ultra-competitive, globalized economy playing up your uniqueness is almost mandatory - it’s your niche. Create a vision and invite people to be a part of it. Elucidate the idea to the group, stay emotionally attached to the goal, give it a core and identity. And connect with your base. Your base is not just your people (fans) but also your Mental: ideas you’ve had since youth, which are tied to powerful emotions.
Be 100% authentic and transparent – Be yourself and talk facts. If you have nothing to hide you cannot be threatened; your path is clear.
Follow the game plan (but stay agile), hit your goals, get better everyday, keep it simple and stay inspired. Enjoy every minute of every day but understand going into it that what you’re trying to achieve takes a really, really long time with a lot of ups and downs so buckle up. It takes 20 years to make an overnight success, give or take a couple years.
During this time you should try to minimize the quantity of your work to do only the things only you can do – if someone else can do the task in question then delegate. Try to listen ten times more than you speak and never lose your desire for learning. Hire people smarter than you and empower them and never force an idea or investment. Learn from the past but plan for the future by fully focusing on the present. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Preparation is the precursor to success. Present new ideas. When presenting an idea, always make your case factual, engaging and compelling. Prioritize your strengths - what’s bringing you value and dump everything else in the 'BS Folder' of your mind. Anticipatory > Reactive. Mindshare > Revenue. Every brand is a publishing company. You have to build your brand online first. Your organization needs to be Lean. Simple. Agile. Liquid. Responsive. Intuitive. Experiment, experiment, experiment. Create. Modify. Innovate. Disrupt. Creating is constant learning. Put time into your product or idea, at STEALTH we use 90% of our time and money on R&D. Researching is my favorite thing to do because it’s in the DNA of innovation itself and I love discovery, adventures and secrets.
Break the Simulation. Don’t chase status, chase your passion instead and hunt down your desire. Break up physical routines, do the opposite of your everyday life activity. As soon as I start doing the same thing over and over I just move on to something completely different - go for a hike or something to stimulate different neurons. I feel like the corporate world wants you to do the opposite but we’re here for such a short period of time, it’d be a shame to be bored. You can be bored when you're dead but we're not dead yet and there's way too many things in life that I'm not going to be able to try as it is - I'm just trying to keep that number as low as possible before I die. Work on things that interest you regardless of the result. Learn new things. Be open to people and new ideas. And overcome your fear of being scared of having your own opinions or speaking up. Overcome your fear of failure, try to understand its insignificance and forget the notion that you should fall back on something. There’s no Plan B; it has to work. The safety net of stagnation won’t work anymore.
Research shows the biggest regrets are chances not tried. What you should really fear is regret. Regret of the ideas you never acted on. The regret of the talents you never used, dying knowing that is more frightening than failing at something you’re trying for the first or second time. Fear of failure has made everyone stop trying.
I’d rather regret something I did than something I didn’t do. I’m more afraid of failing to try than failing. I’m more afraid of failing to try than being embarrassed or looking stupid.
I really don’t have a problems with looking stupid or making mistakes in front of people, I truly don’t care. Any trepidation I have about the uncertainty of doing something new transforms into adrenaline. Energy gives me confidence. I have enough passion to stay engaged, the mindfulness not to burn out, the stamina to finish and the rest of the BAM principles so I can’t lose. I can’t lose because I’m not like other businesses too busy trying to compete, trying to do the smaller ideas. I’m here to inspire. We’re not competing with anyone. What does 10-15 years in the future look like? Those are things we’re working on.
If you don’t fail you’re not even trying. Place yourself in unfamiliar territory and wake your mind up. Work with love, warmth and appreciation. Be grateful and give back. Be humble. Learn to Forget!
Let people do what they love and give them the tools to succeed. Immerse yourself in everything you do. You don’t need technology to do it for you. And this is pretty important: break away from the mediocre and Go Big - you won’t change the world by being ‘Medium’, Make the challenge Great and worthy of your cause. Pile it Up!!! Commit and stay Focused.
And HAVE NO FEAR…it’s just dark imagination! And a close cousin of death 💀👈🏼
One of my favorite human beings of all time said Do one thing every day that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt also says You must do the things you think you cannot do.
I love this woman’s approach to life, spirit and authenticity. Her advice hits so close to home.
Fact is the future will provide a lot more opportunities than take away.
Apps are already connecting humans and creating platforms that are cutting out inefficiencies. Transparency and fair business models are eliminating middlemen and brokers, shifting the power back to the consumer, the end user.
Consumers and users are humans. And we’re all 95% alike.
The people around me are mostly pleasure-seeking with short attention spans - impatient humans looking to be served and entertained ASAP with herd-mentality. We don’t even care if we’re being targeted anymore, we’re kind of open to it. People want to be augmented, have superpowers and have everything delivered to their doorstep. Traffic sucks I get it but there are real problems on the horizon. We actually spend a great deal of time at STEALTH discussing these issues internally.
In my opinion Climate Change is the biggest pressing issue humanity is faced with today (the trajectory we’re on doesn’t look good). Followed by wealth inequality and mental health.
STEALTH’s identity revolves around one concept: The Youth is Our Future.
We're bold and loud about Climate Change and take the health of our planet very seriously. And there’s no future without a planet and quite frankly Plan B (Mars) sucks. We try to be useful when we can and are doing our part getting people to ditch dirty fossil fuels with INSOLAR
We married data science with solar technology and created an app that cuts the price of solar in half. And that’s just the beginning, we believe people with solar panels can harness the sun’s energy and sell it to other households using blockchain just like someone with a car can make money from it driving Lyft or Uber.
data is the new oil
And we’ve created Round Z to distribute equity to all of STEALTH’s builders. You own a piece of everything you build at STEALTH.
Profit Sharing will distribute wealth more evenly amongst employees and helps close the income gap just a bit more. It also produces happier employees and happier employees are happier people.
Happier people create a domino effect, a kind of infectious herd happiness around the globe.
I believe it’s possible but we’re going to have to break some stuff.
This chart is the list of the happiest countries in the world or it could be used as a blueprint.
We can deconstruct each country’s qualities (good and bad) a La carte style and adopt what’s working today and discard what’s not. We can harness this collective intelligence and consciousness for the enhancement of the human experience…in all dimensions of life…for everybody.
I believe in One Human Race; a world with no wars, walls or countries. I have Picasso brain by default when I view life; I see portraits and beautiful paintings all around me. I see emotions and textures and the soundtrack of life blows me away. This planet we live on is heaven; the life you’re living is a blessing and miracle. Don’t take it for granted. You can create the world you want to live in. We can make tremendous advancements in science, medicine, engineering and technology but the future isn’t just going to happen automatically; there’s no guarantee. You can’t just hope that the future will happen. Hope is not a strategy!
You have to show people what they want; most have zero clue or imagination.
The painting of the future belongs to you but we need better artists. There’s very little imagination today; Teslas don’t impress me. Internet aside, we haven’t really done much because everyone’s too busy copying each other. We’re scaling BS instead of advancing forward. We’re scared, dependent and stuck in a simulation but harvesting the same thinking is unsustainable and dangerous.
Just like the industrialization of everything else, we’ve been programmed into ‘mass generic thinking’. Schools provide a generalized education and you are taught by society to think like everyone else starting at a very young age. This is incessantly hammered into your head throughout your life; compounding into a general acceptance of the truth to everything - a conventional thinking process that is a lot safer and easier to control. So how could you possibly go against conventional thought? Stepping out and questioning anything or presenting new ideas are shut down or even ridiculed (Humans pulling each other down is kind of a weird fad in our society right now) but unlocking the power of innovation is going to require you to question conventional wisdom and popular delusional (but persuasive) beliefs. In fact, at STEALTH, the only thing we institutionalize is openness and new thinking because it’s a prerequisite for a culture of innovation. Doing something wholly new is hard to imagine because it’s something that’s never been done before and thinking different is pretty scary but it’s also your most powerful weapon.
Your biggest strength is new thinking and starting from scratch. Divergent ideas and thinking in a non-linear way will help drive creativity and change in the world.
One of the STEALTH Heroes of all-time Muhammad Ali famously said the man who has no imagination has no wings! We really, really like that and at STEALTH, flying close to the sun is mandatory. We want you to stand out, speak out and take actions to champion your new ideas.
The man who has no imagination has no wings.
In the new Gold Rush, the gold is the hard-working entrepreneurs and their startups. Naturally, the powers that be want to take advantage of the game. They have all the money so they made up the rules...and tilted the scales all the way in their favor. Now they’re playing the same old power game except now it’s with startups. And creating yet another bubble. I’ve seen friends and colleagues get $2 million dollars from investors with 12 slides and 2 introductions. There are $10 Billion dollar startups going public without ever making a dime. Tech companies are more important than ever but it’s impossible to make money in them unless you’re a VC or Angel investor on the inside or Ashton Kutcher or something.
All the money in the private sector, VCs make out like bandits and dump the stock on the public. At which point, you’re invited to invest.
The intention of the Round Z Investor Portal is to allow the people excited about our company to get involved. We’ve already done that with builders (that’s why we can build so many startups). Now we want to do that with investors.
I think there will be a massive shift in investor appetite, I see more and more money flowing into Cryptos and startups with the younger generation of investors.
If Robin Hood offered startup investing they would kill it because all their users love startups and are starting to see the value of investing in a company BEFORE they allow you to when it goes public at a $70B valuation.
That’s not a good deal anymore. There's also a growing distrust of Wall Street + their printing money obsession + the Gamestop phenomena/Robinhood gambling + Gen Z risk appetite + Startup popularity
So we built the investor portal as a way for everyday people to make money from investing in tech startups, kind of like a Robinhood for startup investing (Without the trade restrictions and untimely glitches).
With One dollar you can invest in 200 companies. We even give you free startup stock when you join.
VC’s synthetically shoot startups up with steroids (cash) and kill the competition’s potential; reminds me of the baseball juicing era.
The truth of the matter is the current VC model is broken. And a crash is imminent; a couple more SoftBank withdrawals and the bubble will pop.
It’s a total gamble and puts an undue burden on an already contested entrepreneur with unrealistic returns and even more unrealistic timelines. Venture capital firms have contractually short term horizons. Watch the VC terms or in 5 years you’ll have nothing; nothing is free.
With STEALTH we look long-term, what we’re trying to do is going to take ten years so we built a better VC model. We build profitable businesses not businesses that burn through cash for users and ‘growth’ and end up with only 2 surviving companies out of 100. Each STEALTH company we’re building will have the strength to stand on their own, be turnkey and profitable.
There are countless incubators and accelerators that promise to nurture innovation but but instead teach the least innovative, cookie-cutting techniques and inauthenticity. Teams just stand around, summarizing what you’ve worked on and clapping your hands; it’s kind of lame and a waste of time, especially if the connections are weak and the investors are antiquated. They try to suck your time and energy for free rent and ping pong. Bad deal! Many work more like a feeder program to the VC sharks. Startups have become like TV shows; but they come with pitch decks instead of trailers. They have entrepreneurs spending all their time trying to fit into a box so they’re easier to understand. Spending far too much time raising money instead of selling - All this to get validation. But we’re not trying to shrink ideas into a PowerPoint presentation or trying to squeeze a multilayered, highly complex, comprehensive plan to change the world in 10 slides. VCs love saying if you don’t get my attention in the first blah, blah seconds I tune out and move on to the next investment. That’s so pompous and backwards and just plain crazy to me. Like, do you know how many introverted geniuses I know? I’m in the lab right now working with all of them right now, trying different things, experimenting, learning, discovering; that’s how I like to spend my days.
At STEALTH, we’re doing the google glass, Neuralink, Smart Fabrics; we’re pushing the envelope and going hard this next decade; the Roaring 20s are coming back.
Now everyone’s trying the less structure/more creativity/more experimentation play; even big corporations like Google and Apple are hiring people letting them build whatever product they want them to and license it back to them. In a never ending hyper-competitive world, STEALTH’s going to be a force for good. We will build an economically equal company and help people change the perception of themselves, change the way they think, remove the barriers from their minds and unlock their true potential.
The education I got in college was really just a tour of humanity and the world we’ve created up until then. I sat through some interesting classes and a bunch of boring ones of the same lecture training people to do the same things we’ve done in the past, over and over again. Overall I downloaded a ton of data and algorithms into my brain but there was no value in the education except for that fact that I, luckily, explored and got to try a lot of different things. Something the majority of my peers did not do. A lot of us are too busy and brainwashed chasing A’s or somebody else’s dream. The skills I learned were not applicable to my working experience which makes sense because if colleges really worked in that sense, we wouldn’t have a trillion dollar education bubble. Now a Masters is the new Bachelors; the value of your degree is diluting yet tuition prices keep going up. Is the debt worth it? I don’t think so; a college diploma is no longer an insurance policy - there’s no job guarantee. Even if you get hired, the notion of job security is something of the past - we’ll see a lot more short term contract hires; there will be no job security.
And it’s only going to get worse with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The disruption of brick and mortar retail, which will include 30% of American malls and main street stores closing in the next...ahem... four years.. The 4th Industrial revolution will wipe out half the jobs; more factory and retail workers, call center workers, fast food workers, cash register clerks, truck drivers. Uber and Lyft drivers.
This is indeed a scary reality but fear is blinding, it limits you as a person.
After all the A’s and shit, they’ll still have you chasing trophies. The competition treadmill is infinite. We don’t compete because we're busy working on the bigger things. We let the other companies work on the smaller ideas, fly by night BS that won’t make a difference in a few years. We’re usually way early with our companies but what we’re working towards will make an impact for a thousand years. We can care less about awards.
Our goal is to inspire you, change your mind about what’s possible and what’s not and help you overcome your fears and the limitations you’ve placed on yourself - you can be whatever you want to be. We’re building tools to get you there. I believe these tools will catapult us into a new Renaissance era where People will have multiple disciplines, multi-talented humans who will change everything; new Leonardo da Vincis, brand new Michelangelos. The new Parieto principle is 95/5. This is the new renaissance; we’re going to build the new sistine chapel, reinvent the way we learn, work and play.
Working in different fields and getting to try multiple careers is awesome and opens up all kinds of opportunities. I never believed that working and doing one thing for 40 years for a career is a fun job; it feels more like a marginalizing, sterile version of a life experience.
We need entrepreneurs who think differently, we need more imagination and creativity. Money is not enough, you must have life purpose in your work. Follow your curiosity to find passion. This is the key to generational wealth and health, taking Americans’ nutrition, mental health, stress levels and financial independence to a higher level. We’re going through the greatest economic transformation in the history of the world. Just a handful of entrepreneurs, most of them from the US, have changed the world over the past few decades. Billionaires have driven almost 80% of the 40 main breakthrough innovations over the last 40 years (Approximately 70% are technology-related) and they are growing richer and richer. Now they’re signing pledges to give it all away but don’t believe the hype they’re just moving money from one place to another and avoiding taxes.
Fun Fact # 1: The 50 Richest Americans are worth as much as the Poorest 165 Million 🤯
Fun Fact # 2: Millennials (born between 1981-1996) control just 4.6% of U.S wealth even though they are the largest in the workforce with 72 million members 🤯🤯🤯
Point is it took all of human history to produce the first 100 billionaires on our planet. That was only 40 years ago. Now there are over 2,300; China alone is minting 2 billionaires a week. To put that into perspective as recently as 2006, there were only 16 Chinese billionaires. Millionaire growth is even more staggering with less than 2000 at around the same time; now there’s over 1.5 Million. Things are only speeding up.
Technology is part of the new evolution; we need to evolve. Even if it means we have to chip ourselves.
We try to act different but in the end we all have the same fears and emotions. Fear of failure, Fear of Abandonment. We all want to make it, be successful, we want the best for our loved ones. We want to live a healthy, happy, fun and meaningful life; something soulful and rewarding. There’s no shortage of people’s wants and needs. But people fear what they don’t understand. So instead of empowering each other, people are projecting their fears on one another. Be careful with that. I’m somewhat desensitized to it; my belief in myself quiets out all the outside noise. I see through the simulation, I see through it all, all the layers, the strings, actors. All my life people have been projecting their shortcomings and failures on me, trying to kill my confidence, strip me of my self esteem and my dreams. Trying to categorize me and put me in a preconceived box so I’m easier to control. They use low self esteem, improper information, branding, marketing, fear, stress, manipulation; even man-made concepts like competition, popularity, money, and validation to control you. Brainwash you to the point you’ll ignore the very instincts that you are born with; you betray yourself. But nobody knows you like you do. You should rely on your instincts, your intuition holds different information. I run on my own energy, not whether or not someone else decides my destiny. I don’t have a strategy; there’s zero calculation. This is just how I feel. I don’t have a brand, my brand is raw, being real. My secret weapon is transparency. Forkaia® is just a vessel for my thoughts, BAM is another, Insolar is another.
Everything we do at STEALTH is organic from a totally deconstructed perspective; we’re always looking for a new way with the future and sustainability in mind. We have no strategies, zero. Our Strategy is love and hard work and a culture of obsessiveness. The mission is: Planet-Youth-Future. To Inspire and Ignite the next generation of talent, inspire dreamers and give them new tools, new codes of life. Most of the technology we’re building is engaging and fun, saves people time and money. They are platforms of human expression - gives them a voice, visibility, and access they would otherwise not have. But they are something much bigger than that. These shareable economy applications we’re building also create Secular deflation which is awesome because we (humans) have already created enough stuff to last us for a while. We need to stop making useless stuff, things we don’t need, single use plastic, happy meal toys, the 3 amazon packages I need to open for a single toothbrush, etc, etc..this needs to stop. Or risk adding to Pacific trash vortex. There’s so much left to do, so much left to discover, we need to treat Alzheimer's, cure cancer. We need to study the brain, multicellular organism networks, mycelium, ant colonies, blindsight phenomenon. We still have more senses to discover; telepathy is the 7th sense, BCI will make people telepathic. The globe is 70% water but we have a water scarcity. Nations may go to war for clean water in the future because we haven’t figured out Desalination.
I’m belaboring here but it’s not going to be a walk in the park. You are inheriting dysfunctional governments, broken economies, new diseases and an increasingly unlivable planet.
The way you navigate this is by first unpeeling all the layers society has thrown on you - unbox yourself. I try to unlearn something everyday. And don’t be so sensitive and offended by everything. You’re going to find a lot of people and their actions reprehensible but anytime you think you’re above it just remember that 500 years ago we were eating each others brains.And shed any sense of entitlement; playing the victim role or any role, for that matter, is useless; the only audience that matters is you. You should be doing all of this for yourself.
Take opportunities to be more curious and open, explore the truth. Imagine you don’t know anything. Expand yourself so you know the complete terrain. Expose yourself to different ideas, go outside of your comfort zone. Dig deeper, get to the roots. When you do not get to the root of a problem, you cannot solve it in any meaningful manner. People like to look at the surface, get all emotional and react, doing things that make them feel better in the short term but do nothing for them in the long term.
WATCH YOUR FRIENDS (Yes, in a Machiavellian type of way!)
Watch the company you keep, be careful with people projecting their fears on you and always ask yourself if you are learning something from the people around you. Otherwise put your head down and work, your goal should be to surprise yourself. All the answers lie within yourself, if you’re looking outside you’ll find nothing but jealousy, competition and misdirection.
Work on Developing an Analytical mind. Your brain is your greatest weapon, keep it sharp and full of ammo. When collecting information you have to ask yourself pertinent questions like: What happened? What’s the motive? Who are the actors? Who's really in control? And who benefits from this action. Listen with 3 ears
Learn to Look ahead, beyond the present, get a better perspective. The further and deeper we contemplate the future, the greater our capacity to shape it according to our desires… If you have a long-term goal for yourself, one that you have imagined in detail, then you are better able to make the proper decisions in the present.
You must be transparent with yourself ; See things for what they are and Reassess yourself every few weeks. You should do a rigorous assessment of who you are and where you are headed. Look at your actions and maneuvers as if you were another person and assess what's happening without Ego or emotions coloring your perceptions.
I don’t do 24÷3 in eight hour shifts. I do 4 shifts at 6 hours and sleep six; this essentially gives me one extra career or side hustle I can grow.
Be an owner, use your time to get better and better at your craft. When you work for others, you are at their mercy. They own your work; your creative spirit is squashed. What keeps you in such positions is a fear of having to sink or swim on your own. What you should really value in life is ownership, not money. If ever there is a choice— more money or more responsibility— you must always opt for the latter. A lower-paying position that offers more room to make decisions and carve out little empires is infinitely preferable to something that pays well but constricts your movements.
Being greedy with your time means saying no to a lot of people. A lot of social events and parties you won’t be able to go to. Truth be told, you’ll miss out on a lot of life. It’s totally fine; you're sacrificing for a bigger life! Danish philosopher Svend Brinkmann explains that in a culture where, “if we miss out on anything in this life, it’s seen as a kind of existential failure, we can wind up too overstretched and overwhelmed to enjoy our lives at all. He recommends opting out of the impulse to constantly seek out new experiences, and learning to find meaning in the mundane and routine. Everyone’s overworked, tired, stressed about the state of the world, and too broke to afford a big night out, anyway. All those memes about snuggling cats in bed could just be an attempt to put a positive spin on the grim circumstances that have pushed this generation into retreat. We may indeed feel relaxed and cozy beneath our weighted anti-anxiety blankets, relieved to be spared the rituals of shots and small talk and shouting over music. Still, there’s a part of us that wants to connect. So we reach for our phones, wanting to share the pleasure we take in being alone. We used to smoke cigarettes when we were bored but now we have smartphones.
We have social media and data with unlimited potential to help us do better but instead of using it for good as we’re using it against ourselves, we’re pointing the ai at ourselves, harvesting data and generating more engagement through clickbait, lies, fear and outrage. The attention extraction model is turning us into zombie robots. These apps are actually reformatting the human brain- psychological techniques used to keep you scrolling, keep you coming back and get you to get your friends to join and get them to get their friends to join. Whatever to drive usage up is the shareholder motto. We have to do something about this; I’m not going to stand by and watch 100 engineers in San Francisco change human civilization for the next century.
Data is the new oil and tech companies have all the data and they know what people want: Nothing too complex. People want entertainment and distraction, not a cleaner planet or healthier lives, etc. They want to ride motorized scooters, talk smack on apps, get high and get off. Anything to fight off boredom. And that’s exactly what these tech companies will give them. The new Wolf of Wall Street/Gordon Geckos of the world are wearing hoodies, riding scooters and picking up as much land as they can.
AI will change everything. Deep learning will learn everything humans can do. The software that currently sits on top of every industry will be infused with AI that will automate the entire business. And gobble up all the jobs inside it. Adding predictability to the software, you will no longer have to guess the future, it will turn businesses into true vending machines, self-sufficient profit centers.
If you’re going to create a business why stop at manual and put humans at the helm of all your hard work and money. That’s a gamble we no longer have to take.
That’s the idea behind STEALTH. We build coin-operated businesses; little AI vending machines. Put in an idea (Insert Coin) and the machine will mint out a shiny new business in 7 days. We mix AI, automation, predictability and Traditional business values to grind out more efficiency. Our overhead is low; we don’t have layers and layers of managers like a big giant public company. And it’s not run haphazardly, every asset has to pay for itself. Business models have changed. There’s a dozen other ways to get paid other than from your user. Everything is free, your attention is not. The new era of business will require a new type of talent with brand new skills. Luckily we’ll have a bunch of awesome new tools to navigate the journey ahead.
Digital intelligence will solve big problems, and free up our time which will lead to a new renaissance era. A lot of people will lose their jobs. A lot. But AI will create awesome new tools which means a whole new set of human skills and a new era of talent.
Future of work, Future of education, Future of food, AI, quantum robotics, edge computing, 3d printing, autonomous everything; We have so many more companies to build. Metaverse and Web3 provide new models for building Software, Internet businesses and networks; Open code and distributed execution with integrated revenue. Users can now create/control networks and the money. Metaverse is the next platform for smartphones. Open decentralized where users, not companies, make money. Basically what the Internet did to music and newspapers is now happening to everyone; Tech has gone from selling accounting tools to big companies to replacing those companies.
Apple makes more money from platform rent than the entire global music industry or Netflix, they make $15 billion in Platform rent (thanks to Google) but over $100 billion from leveraging the platform.
Lazy people + short attention spans + UNLAZY Computers that remember and keep track of everything and never call in sick at fraction of the cost of labor; It has all the makings of a disaster. But what’s the harm? We’re acting like robots (extremely inefficient robots with low bandwidth) anyway glued to our technology.
We took the wrong pill the first time around. We’re not even using our brains any more; we have smartphones for that. Our lives are totally consumed by work - literally work robots can do. But instead of turning ourselves into robots we can build them and tax them for doing our jobs, we’ll call it Universal Basic Income; it’s like a stimulus check...but you get it every single month. We can use that money and your new tools to live exactly the kind of life you want, an uncapped life with plenty of choices, and maybe you can use your new skills to redesign life.
My daughter's name is Kaia and when she was 2 years old she drowned in a friend’s swimming pool. Inexplicably and against all odds, she was brought back to life. Forkaia® is my gift to God for Kaia, for giving her back to me. It’s my payback to the world. It’s for Kaia, for her brother Keanu, all of their school friends and their entire generation. They deserve a better world.
A “Pegasus” startup is a business defined by freedom for the entrepreneur; how unique and freeing this type of company can be, just as the mythical pegasus could spread its wings and take to the sky. That’s how we see Forkaia®; the Platform that will unlock the creative imagination of the superstars of the future and hopefully sparks the brain that will change the world. That person’s brain is the logo of our company.
Our brains are Bayesian prediction machines, using prior beliefs to make best guesses about the world. But we’re imperfect. We favor evidence that matches our assumptions and can’t comprehend that correlation is not causation. Humans fear risk more than they relish gain and tend to overvalue what they own. A recalibration in the form of a modern chip wouldn’t hurt. New Software Update available for your Brain: UPDATE NOW! It’ll be that easy.
Gene therapy, genetically modified humans. We are on the cusp of a new era in genetics. Soon we’ll be able to cut and paste the perfect human on iPhone Pro. BCI, GPT-3, CRISPR CAS9, we’re unraveling AI and the human code at the exact same time so you can cut and paste the perfect bionic person. The world around us is getting a major facelift, how would that look? How will humans change as we merge with our machines? What happens when intelligent algorithms make all the decisions? Should we connect our brains directly to the Internet? And are we entering an age of simulated realities? The answer to everything will eventually be YES. Financial gain always outweighs any no moral or ethical dilemmas raised. Always! Some argue that fusing ourselves with technology is our evolution.
The future will be shaped by 12 inevitable forces that are emerging today. These are becoming, cognifying, flowing, screening, accessing, sharing, filtering, remixing, interacting, tracking, questioning and beginning. While these forces are mostly technological in nature, they will touch every aspect of our lives. Despite potential problems, for the most part, we’re facing a future of great opportunity.
Artificial intelligence and robust online filters will shape how we work and what we learn.
“Hard” goods were yesterday; flowing content and shareable resources are the future of commerce.
Intelligent machines will probably replace the entire human workforce. Universal basic income could be the solution, although joblessness will come with psychological consequences as well. In the superintelligent future, the average human will be impoverished or reliant on investments; the rich will be buying new luxuries.
Over the next few decades, artificial intelligence will eclipse biological human intelligence. But we will also become “artificially” intelligent. Gradually, our biological bodies and brains will be replaced and enhanced by devices, and humanity will be altered beyond anything we can imagine.
Evolution is picking up speed. Each development builds and moves faster ahead than the last. Computers are making leaps and bounds in speed and processing power. DNA computing is near.
Over the next few decades, computers will learn to do everything humans can do, only better.
Nanobots will be the new doctors. Patrolling our insides, they’ll cure illness and repair damage. Genetic disease will be a thing of the past. Gene therapy to repair damage will become the norm. No more donor organs and risky surgery. In the future, we’ll grow our own, from our own cells.
Ready to become a bionic man or woman? Or perhaps something in between? The choice is yours.
Artificial Intelligence and human intelligence will merge, and humans will become supersmart.
Around the year 2045, the world will change beyond recognition. The singularity will have arrived and everything will change. Forever.
Worth noting that outside of STEALTH ED, STEALTH TECH and STEALTH MUSIC, STEALTH has an arm working on very speculative products, like consumer jet packs, new schools, immersive headphones, new superfoods, smart fashion, housing and much more.